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"The Toshiko Akiyoshi-Lew Tabackin Big Band"

formato: completo NP405

Toshiko Akiyoshi-Lew Tabackin Big Band - The Toshiko Akiyoshi-Lew Tabackin Big Band. [S.l.] : BMG Music, p1991.  1 CD áudio (57 min., 28 seg.) + 1 folheto (6 p.).  Gravado em 1974, 1975 e 1976.  ND 83 106.

 1 Studio J 6'00''
 2 American ballad 5'45''
 3 Quadrille, anyone? 6'20''
 4 Children in the temple ground 5'27''
 5 The first night 4'51''
 6 Kogun 10'24''
 7 Since Perry / Yet another tear 12'30''
 8 Road time shuffle 6'11''

Akiyoshi, Toshiko piano1-8
Baldwin, Don contrabaixo1/7/8
Blumberg, Stu trompete4/5
Byrne, Bill sax barítono7/8
Cherico, Gene contrabaixo2-6
Cooper, Richard trompete1/7/8
Donald, Peter bateria1-8
Foster, Gary sax alto1-8
Foster, Gary flauta2-6
Foster, Gary sax soprano3-5
Foster, Gary clarinete2-6
Huffstetter, Steve trompete1/7/8
Knepper, Jimmy trombone7/8
Loper, Charlie trombone1-6
Madrid, John trompete2/6
Nicholson, Lynn trompete3
Paulson, Bruce trombone3-5
Perkins, Bill sax soprano2/6
Perkins, Bill flauta2-5
Perkins, Bill sax alto3-5
Perkins, Bill sax barítono1-6
Perkins, Bill clarinete2-6
Peterson, Tom clarinete2-6
Peterson, Tom sax alto3-5
Peterson, Tom flauta2/4-6
Peterson, Tom sax soprano2/6
Peterson, Tom sax tenor1-8
Price, Mike trompete1-8
Rader, Don trompete2-6
Reichenbach, Bill trombone1/7/8
Sawyer, Jim trombone2/6-8
Shew, Bobby trompete1-4/6-8
Shew, Bobby filiscórnio2/5/6
Spencer, Dick sax alto1-8
Spencer, Dick flauta2-6
Spencer, Dick clarinete2-6
Tabackin, Lew clarinete2/5/6
Tabackin, Lew flauta1/2/4-8
Tabackin, Lew sax alto4
Tabackin, Lew sax tenor1-8
Teele, Phil trombone1-8
Woodman, Britt trombone1-6

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