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"Birks works: the Verve Big-Band Sessions"

formato: completo NP405

Gillespie, Dizzy - Birks works: the Verve Big-Band Sessions. [S.l.] : PolyGram Records, p1995.  2 de 2 CD áudio (80 min., 29 seg.) + 1 folheto (22 p.).  Gravado em Maio e Junho de 1956 e em Abril e Julho de 1957 .  527 902-2: Verve.

 1 Birks' works 4'56''
 2 Autumn leaves 4'40''
 3 Tangorine 3'43''
 4 Over the rainbow 4'37''
 5 Umbrella man 3'01''
 6 If you could see me now 3'31''
 7 Left hand corner (false start) 0'10''
 8 Left hand corner 2'26''
 9 Left hand corner 2'17''
 10 Left hand corner (false start) 0'09''
 11 Left hand corner 2'23''
 12 Whisper not 5'49''
 13 Whisper not 5'07''
 14 Whisper not 5'16''
 15 Stablemates 4'12''
 16 That's all 3'12''
 17 Groovin' high 3'53''
 18 Mayflower rock 3'17''
 19 Mayflower rock 3'13''
 20 Joogie boogie 4'14''
 21 I remember Clifford 4'15''
 22 You'll be sorry 2'17''
 23 Wonder why 3'51''

Connor, Ray trombone20-23
Cromer, Austin vocal4, 6, 18, 19, 23
Daawud, Talib trompete1-23
Gillespie, Dizzy trompete1-23
Gillespie, Dizzy vocal5
Golson, Benny sax tenor1-23
Grey, Al trombone1-23
Henry, Ernie sax alto1-23
Kelly, Wynton piano1-23
Levitt, Rod trombone1-19
Liston, Melba vocal22
Liston, Melba trombone1-23
Mitchell, Billy sax tenor1-23
Moore, Pee Wee sax barítono20-23
Morgan, Lee trompete1-23
Perry, Emmett trompete1-23
Persip, Charli bateria1-23
Powell, Jimmy sax alto1-23
Root, Billy sax barítono1-19
Warwick, Carl trompete1-23
West, Paul contrabaixo1-23

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