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"The 1930's Big Bands"

formato: completo NP405

The 1930's Big Bands. London : CBS Records, p1987.  1 CD áudio (48 min., 23 seg.) + 1 folheto (24 p.).  CBS 460067 2.

 1 San Sue strut 3'30''
 2 Mush mouth 3'05''
 3 Lazy rhapsody 3'15''
 4 That blue-eye baby from Memphis 2'56''
 5 The man from Harlem 3'07''
 6 Can you take it? 2'49''
 7 Let's get together 3'00''
 8 Passionette 2'43''
 9 St. Louis Wiggle rhythm 2'53''
 10 Uproar shout 3'02''
 11 Remember 3'14''
 12 Jimtown blues 3'01''
 13 Flany doodle swing 2'41''
 14 Uptown blues 2'52''
 15 Riff interlude 3'03''
 16 Stealin' apples 3'12''

Addison, Bernard guitarra6
Allen, Charlie trompete13
Allen, Henry 'red' trompete6
Allen, Henry 'red' trompete9
Allen, Moses contrabaixo14
Allen, Sam piano8
Alston, Ovie trompete2
Arbello, Fernando trombone2
Ballard, Red trombone16
Barbour, Dave guitarra11
Barefield, Eddie palhetas5
Bascomb, Paul sax tenor10
Bascomb, Wilbur trompete10
Basie, Count piano15
Bassey, Bus sax tenor16
Bauza, Mario trompete7
Beason, Bill bateria8
Bernstein, Artie contrabaixo16
Bigard, Barney clarinete3
Bigard, Barney sax tenor3
Bishop, Wallace bateria13
Bowles, Russell trombone14
Braud, Wellman contrabaixo3
Briglia, Tony bateria1
Brown, Andrew palhetas5
Brown, Lawrence trombone3
Brown, Vernon trombone16
Buckner, Teddy sax alto14
Buckner, Teddy clarinete14
Buckner, Teddy flauta14
Calloway, Cab vocal5
Carney, Harry clarinete3
Carney, Harry sax alto3
Carney, Harry sax barítono3
Carroll, Robert sax tenor4
Carruthers, Earl palhetas14
Cates, Opie sax alto12
Cheatham, Doc trompete5
Clark, Pete sax alto7
Clay, Shirley trompete4
Clayton, Buck trompete15
Cole, Rupert sax alto4
Collins, Shad trompete8
Collins, Shad trompete15
Cornelius, Corky trompete16
Covey, Arnold guitarra16
Crawford, Jimmy bateria14
Crumbley, Elmer trombone14
Curl, Langston trompete4
D'amico, Hank clarinete11
Davis, Pat sax tenor1
De Paris, Sidney trompete4
Dennis, Stanley contrabaixo1
Dillard, Bill trompete8
Dixon, Lawrence guitarra13
Eberle, Ray clarinete1
Eberle, Ray sax alto1
Edison, Harry trompete15
Ellington, Duke piano3
Elman, Ziggy trompete16
Estes, Buff sax alto16
Fatool, Nick bateria16
Fazola, Irving clarinete12
Fletcher, Milton trompete13
Frederico, Frank guitarra12
Fullbright, Richard contrabaixo8
Fuller, Walter trompete13
Garland, Joe clarinete9
Garland, Joe sax barítono9
Garland, Joe sax tenor9
Gifford, Glen guitarra1
Goodman, Benny clarinete16
Gray, Glen sax alto1
Green, Freddie guitarra15
Green, Marcellus trompete10
Greer, Sonny bateria3
Griffin, Chris trompete16
Grisson, Dan palhetas14
Guy, Fred guitarra3
Hall, Edmond palhetas2
Hall, Joe piano1
Harris, Arville palhetas5
Hawkins, Coleman sax tenor6
Hawkins, Coleman clarinete6
Hawkins, Erskine trompete10
Hayes, Edgar piano9
Haymer, Herbie sax tenor11
Hemphill, Shelton trompete9
Henderson, Fletcher piano6
Henderson, Fletcher piano16
Henry, Heywood palhetas10
Higginbotham, J. C. trombone9
Hill, Teddy sax tenor8
Hines, Earl piano13
Hodges, Johnny clarinete3
Hodges, Johnny sax soprano3
Hodges, Johnny sax alto3
Hopkins, Claude piano2
Hostetter, Joe trompete1
Howard, Darnell palhetas13
Hunt, Pee Wee trombone1
Hyland, Bill trompete11
Inge, Edward sax alto4
Jacobs, Pete bateria2
James, Elmer contrabaixo9
James, Harry trompete12
Jefferson, Hilton clarinete6
Jefferson, Hilton sax alto6
Jenkins, Freddie trompete3
Jerome, Jerry sax tenor16
Johnson, Budd sax tenor13
Johnson, Gene sax alto2
Johnson, Howard sax alto8
Johnson, Manzie bateria4
Johnson, Walter bateria6
Johnson, William sax alto10
Jones, Bobby trompete1
Jones, Claude trombone4
Jones, Jo bateria15
Jones, Reunald trompete7
Jones, Walter banjo2
Jones, Wardell trompete9
Jordan, Taft trompete7
Kirby, John contrabaixo6
Kirby, John contrabaixo7
Kirkpatrick, Don piano4
Lanphere, Charlie sax alto11
Lattimore, Harlan vocal4
Lewis, Ed trompete15
Lewis, Sylvester trompete2
Liss, Joe piano11
Lowe, Sam trompete10
Luceford, Jimmie orquestra14
Lucie, Lawrence guitarra9
Martinez, Frank trompete1
Mastren, Al trombone11
Matthews, Dave sax tenor12
Maxey, Leroy bateria5
Mclemore, William guitarra10
Miller, Glenn trombone12
Minor, Dan trombone15
Mitchelle, Jimmy sax alto10
Mondello, Toots sax alto16
Morgan, Al contrabaixo5
Morrison, James bateria10
Morton, Benny trombone15
Morton, Benny trombone4
Nanton, Joe trombone3
Newton, Frankie trompete8
Norris, Al guitarra14
Norvo, Red xilofone11
Page, Walter contrabaixo15
Paine, Bennie guitarra5
Parrish, Avery piano10
Peterson, Pete contrabaixo11
Pletcher, Stew trompete11
Pollack, Ben orquestra12
Procope, Russell clarinete6
Procope, Russell clarinete8
Procope, Russell sax alto6
Procope, Russell sax alto8
Purtill, Maurice bateria11
Range, Robert trombone10
Rauch, Billy trombone1
Redman, Don sax alto4
Reeves, Talcott guitarra4
Robinson, Fred trombone4
Sampson, Edgar sax alto7
Sands, Bobby sax tenor2
Sauter, Eddie trompete11
Scott, Cecil palhetas8
Sherock, Shorty trompete12
Simeon, Omer palhetas13
Simeone, Frank sax alto11
Sims, Edward trombone10
Slack, Freddie piano12
Smith, John guitarra8
Smith, Russell trompete6
Smith, Tab sax alto9
Smith, Willie sax barítono14
Smith, Willie sax alto14
Smith, Willie clarinete14
Snaer, Albert trompete2
Spencer, O'neil bateria9
Spivak, Charlie trompete12
Squires, Bruce trombone12
Squires, Bruce trombone16
Stanfield, Leemie contrabaixo10
Stark, Bobby trompete6
Steele, Joe piano7
Stuart, Kenneth trombone13
Swayzee, Edwin trompete5
Tate, Buddy sax tenor15
Taylor, Louis trombone13
Taylor, Sammy bateria12
Teague, Thurman contrabaixo12
Thomas, Walter palhetas5
Tizol, Juan trombone3
Trueheart, John guitarra7
Turner, Henry tuba2
Warren, Earl sax alto15
Washington, George trombone9
Washington, Jack sax alto15
Washington, Jack sax barítono15
Webb, Chick bateria7
Webster, Paul trompete14
Wells, Dickie trombone15
Wells, Dickie trombone6
Wells, Dickie trombone8
Wethington, Crawford palhetas9
Wheeler, De Priest trombone5
Whetsol, Arthur trompete3
White, Harry trombone5
White, Morris guitarra5
Wilcox, Ed piano14
Williams, Cootie vocal3
Williams, Cootie trompete3
Williams, Elmer sax tenor7
Williams, Sandy trombone7
Williams, Sandy trombone6
Wilson, Gerald trompete14
Wilson, Quinn contrabaixo13
Wright, Lamar trompete5
Young, Lester clarinete15
Young, Lester sax tenor15
Young, Snooky trompete14
Young, Trummy trombone14
Young, Trummy trombone13
Ysaguirre, Bob contrabaixo4

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