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"Louis Armstrong and his friends"

formato: completo NP405

Armstrong, Louis - Louis Armstrong and his friends. [S.l.] : Universal Music S.A. France, p2001.  1 CD áudio (63 min., 37 seg.); 1 folheto (8 p.).  Gravado em Paris entre 1933 e 1939.  013 979-2.

 1 St. Louis blues 2'45''
 2 Super tiger rag 3'09''
 3 Will you, won't you be my baby 2'50''
 4 On the sunny side of the street: Part 1 2'58''
 5 On the sunny side of the street. Part 2 3'09''
 6 St. Louis blues 3'08''
 7 Song of the vipers 2'57''
 8 Sweet Georgia Brown 3'17''
 9 Foxy and Grapesy 3'38''
 10 Wo ist der Mann 3'15''
 11 Nobody's sweetheart 3'19''
 12 Grabbin' blues 3'33''
 13 I got rhythm 3'19''
 14 Japanese sandman 3'43''
 15 Goodbye to summer 3'40''
 16 I'm gonna lock my heart and throw 3'11''
 17 Doing the gorgonzola 3'06''
 18 Montparnasse jump 2'47''
 19 China boy 2'57''
 20 Polo-naise 2'56''

Aleman, Oscar guitarra17-20
Arago, German contrabaixo1-7
Armstrong, Louis trompete1-7
Armstrong, Louis vocal1-7
Briggs, Arthur trompete8-10
Brock, Theodore trompete8/9
Brun, Philippe trompete17-20
Burns, Billy trombone8/9
Carlisle, Una Mae piano17-20
Castellanos, Alcide sax alto8/9
Chittison, Herman piano1-7/15/16
Cole, Louis vocal8/9/11-14
Coleman, Bill trompete15/16
Combelle, Alix sax tenor17-20
Conaway, Sterling guitarra8/9
Dietrich, Marlene vocal10
Du Congé, Peter clarinete8-10
Du Congé, Peter sax alto1-7/8/9
Fernandez, Juan contrabaixo8-10
Goudie, Frank sax tenor8/9
Guimarães, Lionel trombone1-7
Hamilton, Jack trombone1-7
Hayman, Joe clarinete15/16
Jefferson, Maceo guitarra1-7
Johnson, Freddie piano8-10
Jones, Bobby trompete8/9
Keller, Greta vocal15/16
Mengo, Jerry bateria17-20
Mitchell, John guitarra15/16
Myers, Wilson contrabaixo15/16
Polo, Danny clarinete17-20
Pratt, Alfred sax tenor1-7
Taylor, Billy bateria8-10
Thompson, Leslie trombone1-7
Times, Oliver bateria1-7
Tyree, Henry sax alto1-7
Vola, Louis contrabaixo17-20
Wilson, Garland piano17-20

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