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"Ken Burns jazz: the story of America´s music. CD 3"

formato: completo NP405

Ken Burns jazz: the story of America´s music. CD 3. [S.l.] : Sony Music, p2000.  3 de 5 CD áudio (76 min., 24 seg.) + 1 folheto (48 p.).  5490352-2.

 1 Body and soul 3'00''
 2 Cotton tail 3'10''
 3 Take the 'A' train 2'54''
 4 Begin the beguine 3'13''
 5 In the mood 3'33''
 6 Well, git it! 3'00''
 7 Solitude 3'12''
 8 Drum boogie 3'06''
 9 Salt peanuts 3'12''
 10 Groovin' high 2'39''
 11 Ko-ko 3'12''
 12 Scrapple from the apple 2'56''
 13 Embraceable you 3'42''
 14 Get happy 2'50''
 15 Epistrophy 3'05''
 16 Straight, no chaser 2'55''
 17 Manteca 3'05''
 18 Moon dreams 3'18''
 19 Just friends 3'30''
 20 Rockin' chair 3'03''
 21 They can't take that away from me 2'40''
 22 Walkin' shoes 3'09''
 23 Fine and mellow 8'00''

Arus, George trombone6
Baker, Chet trompete22
Barker, Danny guitarra23
Bastien, Biddy contrabaixo8
Bates, Walter sax tenor8
Beau, Heinie palhetas6
Biondi, Ray guitarra8
Blake, Jimmy trompete6
Cheatham, Doc trompete23
Daye, Irene vocal8
Dickenson, Vic trombone23
Dorsey, Tommy trombone6
Eldridge, Roy trompete23
Elman, Ziggy trompete6
Gershman, Mannie sax alto6
Halten, Torg trompete8
Hamilton, Chico bateria22
Hawkins, Coleman sax tenor23
Hinton, Milt contrabaixo23
Holiday, Billie vocal23
Jacobs, Dave trombone6
Johnson, Osie bateria23
Kelliher, Jay trombone8
Kitsis, Bob piano8
Klein, Manny trompete6
Krupa, Gene bateria8
Lodice, Don sax tenor6
Mulligan, Gerry sax barítono23
Mulligan, Gerry sax barítono22
Murphy, Norman trompete8
Musiker, Sam palhetas8
Neagley, Clint sax alto8
Novak, Rudy trompete8
Peterson, Chuck trompete6
Raskin, Milt piano6
Rich, Buddy bateria6
Ruffo, Mascagni sax alto8
Sherock, Shorty trompete8
Skiles, Jimmy trombone6
Snyder, Bruce sax tenor6
Stevens, Phil contrabaixo6
Stulce, Fred sax alto6
Virgadamo, Pat trombone8
Wagner, Babe trombone8
Waldron, Mal piano23
Webster, Ben sax tenor23
Whitlock, Bob contrabaixo22
Yocum, Clark guitarra6
Young, Lester sax tenor23

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