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"Music is the healing force of the universe"

formato: completo NP405

Ayler, Albert - Music is the healing force of the universe. [S.l.] : Verve Music Group, cop. 2003.  1 CD áudio (42 min., 29 seg.).  Gravado no Plaza Sound Studios, New York City, Agosto de 1969.  065 383-2: Impulse.

 1 Music is the healing force of the universe 8'41''
 2 Masonic inborn, part I 12'11''
 3 A man is like a tree 4'35''
 4 Oh! love of life 3'50''
 5 Island harvest 5'04''
 6 Drudgery 8'08''

Ali, Muhammad bateria1-6
Ayler, Albert sax tenor1-6
Few, Bobby piano1-6
Folwell, Bill contrabaixo1-6
James, Stafford contrabaixo1-6
Maria, Mary vocal1, 3-5
Vestine, Henry guitarra1-6

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Aveiro Digital O Programa Aveiro Digital 2003 - 2006 é co-finaciado pelo FEDER e pelo FSE através do Programa Operacional Sociedade da Informação