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"Uarrgh 2"

formato: completo NP405

FuzzNoir (Musical Group) - Uarrgh 2. [S.l.] : Jazzwerkstatt Records, 2005.  1 CD áudio (76 min., 58 seg.).  Gravado no WUK Studios/Vienna e ao vivo em Abril no 7th e no 12th at the Jazzwerkstatt Festival 2005.  JWR 05/05.

 1 Chat 7'32''
 2 Panaroia 5'15''
 3 VideoClerks 7'16''
 4 Samba Ratte 11'33''
 5 Extended maxi 8'35''
 6 Tahmine 4'20''
 7 Uarrgh 2 10'26''
 8 Tell me the way to the next whiskey bar 6'10''
 9 If there a doubt, there's no doubt 6'27''
 10 Choral Nr.1 6'18''
 11 Interlude 3'06''

Preuschl, Raphael contrabaixo1-11
Prowaznik, Michael bateria1-11
Rom, Peter guitarra1-11
Schiftner, Wolfgang saxofone1-11

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