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Calado, Carlos
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Caldwell, Wallace E. (ed.)
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Calvet, Henrique
"Quinteto de sentidos", Jazztel, 2003
Campbell, James
"The Picador book of blues and jazz", Picador, 1995
Cañellas, Gerardo
"Jazz voyeur", Lunwerg, 2002
Capelli, Gianpaolo (ed.)
"Siena, i luoghi del jazz", Siena Jazz, 2001
Carles, Philippe; Clergeat, André; Comolli, Jean-Louis
"Dictionnaire du jazz", Robert Laffont, 1988
Carles, Philippe; Comolli, Jean-Louis
"Free jazz, black power", Éditions Champ Libre, 1971
Carles, Philippe; Comolli, Jean-Louis
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Carmichael, Hoagy
"The stardust road & sometimes I wonder : the autobiography of Hoagy Carmichael", Da Capo Press, 1999
Carmichael, Stokley; Hamilton, Charles V.
"Black power; the politics of liberation in America", Vintage Books, 1967
Carneiro, Luiz Orlando
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Caroni, Franco
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Carr, Ian
"Miles Davies : a critical biography", Quartet, 1982
Carr, Ian
"Keith Jarrett: the man and his music", Da Capo Press, 1992
Carr, Ian; Fairweather, Digby; Priestley, Brian
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Carr, Roy; Case, Brian; Dellar, Fred
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Carrilho, Maria
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Carruth, Hayden
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Case, Brian; Britt, Stan
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