ano 1968 1
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Dorigné, Michel
"Jazz 1, les origines du jazz, le style nouvelle orléans et ses prolongements", L'Ecole des loisirs, 1968
Grant, Joanne (ed.)
"Black protest; history, documents, and analyses, 1619 to the present", Fawcett World Library, 1968
Jones, LeRoi
"Tales", Grove Press, 1968
Jones, LeRoi
"Black music", William Morrow and Company, 1968
Leinwand, Gerald (comp.)
"The Negro in the city", Washington Square Press, 1968
Leinwand, Gerald (comp.)
"Poverty and the poor ", Washington Square Press, 1968
Malcom X
"Le pouvoir noir", François Maspero, 1968
Malson, Lucien
"Os mestres do jazz", Arcádia, 1968
Société Française de Concerts
"5º Paris Jazz Festival", [s.n.], 1968