ano 1973 1
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Cook, Bruce
"Listen to the blues", Charles Scribner's Sons, [1973]
[CEJ-JD-MN-469, CEJ-JD-MN-469.1]
Ginibre, Jean-louis et al.
"Jazz moderno", Editorial Plano , [1973]
Kaiser, Rolf-Ulrich
"O mundo da música pop", Livraria Paisagem, [1973]
Fohlen, Claude
"Os negros nos Estados Unidos", Estudios Cor, 1973
Goldberg, Joe
"Jazz masters of the Fifties", Macmillan Publishing-Collier Macmillan, 1973
Guérin, Daniel
"De l'Oncle Tom aux Panthères: le drame des Noirs américains", Union Générale d'Éditions, 1973
Nicholas, A. X. (ed.)
"Woke up this mornin' : poetry of the blues ", Bantam Books, 1973
Postgate, John
"A plain man's guide to jazz", Hanover Books, 1973
Russell, Ross
"Bird lives!", Quartet Books, 1973
Stewart, Rex
"Jazz masters of the 30''s", MACMILLIAN, 1973