ano 1975 1
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Carrilho, Maria
"Sociologia da negritude", Edições 70, 1975
Charters, Samuel
"The legacy of the blues: a glimpse into the art and the lives of twelve great bluesmen", Calder & Boyars, 1975
Charters, Samuel B.
"The country blues", Da Capo Press, 1975
Fanon, Frantz; Pomar, Alexandre (trad.)
"Pele negra, máscaras brancas", Paisagem, 1975
Harrison, Max; Morgan, Alun; Atkins, Ronald; James, Michel; Cooke, Jack
"Modern jazz : the essential records : a critical selection", Aquarius Books, 1975
Holiday, Billie; Dufty,William
"Lady sings the blues", Abacus, 1975
Panassié, Hugues
"Monsieur Jazz : entretiens avec Pierre Casalta", Éditions Stock, 1975
Simpkins, Cuthbert Ormond
"Coltrane : a biography", Herndon House Publishers, 1975
Wilder, Alec
"American popular song : the great innovators, 1900-1950", Oxford University Press, 1975