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"The Blues 1923 to 1933"

formato: completo NP405

The Blues 1923 to 1933. [S.l.] : BBC Enterprises, 1988.  1 CD áudio (49 min., 15 seg.) + 1 folheto (10 p.).  BBC CD 683.

 1 Give me a break school 2'55''
 2 Nothin' but blues 3'13''
 3 Barrel house blues 3'21''
 4 Midnight mama 2'49''
 5 Kansas city blues 2'55''
 6 Prove it on me blues 2'43''
 7 Be on your merry way 3'35''
 8 Blue yodel nº9 2'41''
 9 Nobody knows you when you're down and out 3'02''
 10 Jenny's ball 3'13''
 11 Moaning the blues 3'05''
 12 Organ grinder 3'47''
 13 Get up off your knees 2'45''
 14 I've got what it takes 3'18''
 15 That thing's done been put on me 2'49''
 16 He used to be your man 3'04''

Allen, Ed cornetim9
Allen, Henry 'red' trompete11
Alvis, Hayes contrabaixo4
Armstrong, Lil piano8
Armstrong, Louis cornetim8
Bishop, Wallace bateria4
Brown, Herman kazoo6
Bushell, Garvin sax alto9
Casey, Floyd washboard14
Chittison, Herman piano12
Corley, Lesley banjo4
Cox, Ida vocal1
Crump, Jesse piano1
Dorsey, Georgia Tom piano6
Dowell, Edgar piano3
Foster, Pops contrabaixo11
Gains, Charlie trompete14
Gibson, Cleo vocal2
Harris, Arville clarinete14
Henderson, Rosa vocal3
Hereford, Frances vocal4
Higginbotham, J. C. trombone11
Holmes, Charlie sax soprano11
Johnson, Will guitarra11
Lytell, Jimmy clarinete16
Mason, Harry trompete2
Mole, Miff trombone16
Montgomery, J. Neal piano2
Morton, Jelly Roll piano4
Napoleon, Phil trompete16
Pettiford, Martell banjo6
Rainey, Ma vocal6
Ramey, Ben vocal5
Reid, Carl jug6
Ringgold, Issie vocal7
Robinson, Ikey guitarra12
Rodgers, Jimmie vocal8
Roth, Jack bateria16
Russell, Luis piano11
Scott, Cecil clarinete12
Shade, Will harmónica5
Shade, Will guitarra5
Shade, Will vocal5
Signorelli, Frank piano16
Smith, Bessie vocal9
Smith, John guitarra2
Smith, Mamie vocal10
Smith, Willie 'Lion' piano12
Spivey, Victoria vocal11
St. Clair, Cyrus contrabaixo9
Stevens, Vol guitarra5
Swayzee, Edwin trompete4
Taylor, Eva vocal12
Taylor, Louis trombone4
Thomas, Walter palhetas4
Todd, Clarence vocal12
Walton, Greely sax tenor9
Waters, Ethel vocal13
Webster, Margaret vocal14
Weldon, Will guitarra5
Whitmire, Margaret vocal15
Wiley, Arnold piano15
Williams, Clarence piano14
Williams, Clarence piano13
Williams, Clarence vocal12
Williams, Clarence piano9
Williams, Willie washboard12
Wilson, Lena vocal16

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