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Johnson, Will


p1995 Anthology of Scat Singing. Volume 2, 1929 - 1933 [CD], Média 7
p1995 Anthology of Scat Singing. Volume 1, 1924 - 1929 [CD], Média 7
p1986 Louis Armstrong & his Orchestra 1929-1940 [LP], Sarabandas
p1975 Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra (1929-1930). Vol. 7: rockin' chair [LP], International Joker Production
p1972 The genius of Louis Armstrong: Vol. I: 1923-1933. Disco 2 [LP], CBS
cop. 1969 Henry Red Allen [LP], RCA Victor
1988 The Blues 1923 to 1933 [CD], BBC Enterprises
1985 King Oliver [LP], Giants of Jazz
1980 Papa Joe (1926 - 1928) [LP], MCA Records
1971 The best of Louis Armstrong: the early years [LP], EMI Records

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