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Paraf, Pierre
"Le racisme dans le monde", Payot, 1964
Chastitko, Piotr
"Racismo e imperialismo", Editorial Estampa, 1974
Tejada Spínola, Francisco Elias, de
"O racismo: história breve das suas doutrinas", Pro Domo, 1945
Mezzrow, Milton 'mezz'; Wolfe Bernard
"La rage de vivre", Buchet-Chastel, 1964
Schroeder, Alan
"Ragtime Trumpie", Joy Street Books, 1989
Béthune, Christian
"Le rap: une esthètique la loi", Éditions Autrement, 1999
Gottlieb, Robert; Kimball, Robert (eds.)
"Reading lyrics", Pantheon Books, 2000
Harris, Rex; Rust, Brian
"Recorded jazz; a critical guide ", Penguin Books, 1958
Starr, S. Frederick
"Red and hot : the fate of jazz in the Soviet Union 1917-1991", Limelight Editions, 1994
Green, Benny
"The reluctant art : five studies in the growth of jazz", Da Capo Press, 1991
Nicholson, Stuart
"Reminiscing in tempo : a portrait of Duke Ellington", Northeastern University Press, 1999
Oyamo [Gordon, Charles F.]
"The resurrection of Lady Lester: a poetic mood song based on the legend of Lester Young", Green Integer, 2000
Baldwin, J.; Kopkind, A.; Hayden, Tom
"A revolta dos negros americanos", Publicações Dom Quixote, 1967
Hofstein, Francis
"Le rhythm and blues", Presses universitaires de France, 1991
Giddins, Gary
"Rhythm-a-ning : jazz tradition and innovation in the '80s", Oxford University Press, 1986
Chilton, John
"Ride, Red, ride : the life of Henry "Red" Allen ", Cassell, 1999
Giddins, Gary
"Riding on a blue note : jazz and american pop", Oxford University Press, 1982
Levine, Maryl; Naisbitt, Jonh, Burke
"Right on; a documentary on student protest", Bantam Books, 1970
Lopes, Paul
"The rise of a jazz art world", Cambridge University Press, 2002
Contador, António Concorda; Ferreira, Emanuel Lemos
"Ritmo e Poesia: os caminhos do rap", Assírio & Alvim, 1997